The stay may be canceled up to 24 hours * before your arrival, if:
- National containment is in place,
- A travel restriction (concerning the person registered on the contract) or at least 3 out of 8 people (registered on the contract)
- If the person registered on the contract is positive for the COVID 19 test or at least 3 out of 8 people (registered on the contract)
* These cancellation conditions will not be applied if:
- The restrictions are partial (restriction on restaurants, other businesses, cancellation of events, etc.)
- The cancellation relates to a completely different reason than COVID 19.
- The cancellation was not notified by e-mail before 12 noon on the deadline. (ex: arrival scheduled for Saturday - the stay can be canceled by email no later than Thursday before noon)
Refund conditions for a stay that has started:
- If confinement (national confinement or travel restriction) requires a reduction of a stay which has started: the unused nights will be reimbursed only beyond a lump sum of 700 € (for the areas of LANA, MILADY and ANADARA), a lump sum of € 2,500 for Villa LARRALDIA.
Reimbursement of sums paid in the context of a cancellation fulfilling the conditions set out above:
Payment of the sums due will be made by bank transfer or check within 1 month from the date of cancellation, subject to having received the supporting documents (positive COVID test from the persons concerned)